Monday, 14 November 2016

Abacus Orders - 2nd Chance

We are pleased to advise that we can now place a second order for Abacus Calendars.
To order, print the order form below and return this along with the correct payment to the office before 4pm Friday 18th November.  All orders must be received and paid for by 4pm on the 18th to be processed.   Questions or queries then email


Thursday, 4 February 2016

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Quiz Night - is now nearly sold out. Email us now to secure your place.

We have some great items from our sponsors for our prizes, raffles and auctions. Take a sneak peek of what’s coming here.

LIVE AUCTION items courtesy of….

Freys Kayaks, Wellington


The Library, Lounge Bar Wellington

Logan Brown Restaurant Wellington

Weta Workshop

SILENT AUCTIONS courtesy of ….

Fox Glove Bar & Restaurant Wellington

La Cloche Café Patisserie and Delicatessen

The Roundabout Bar & Café, Tawa

Configure Express Porirua

Ally Todd Swimming

Zone Dance Academy, Porirua

Mana Natural Health & Beauty

RAFFLES and PRIZES courtesy of ….

We are also excited to have an original piece of Artwork that will be available for Auction

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Coming Soon - Quiz Night
Saturday 19th September 2015

Preparations for the Quiz Night are in full swing.  A flyer went out last week and teams are starting to register.  You’re welcome to register as a partial team, couple, or individual and we will make up teams of 8.  We are limited to only 12 teams of 8 so be in quick. 

Any Questions just email us on but here are a few we’ve been asked so far.

Is the Quiz Night BYO or will alcohol be available to buy?
We have applied for a Liquor License to sell wine and beer on the night and hope to get that confirmed soon.  It is not a BYO event.

Why is the Quiz Night R18?
Making the Quiz Night for adults only means a less complicated Liquor License application and more likely it will be approved.

Are the questions all about the movies?
Most of the questions would fall into the trivia or general knowledge category.  They won’t ALL be about movies, but that’s our dress-up theme and there will be some.  

Do we have to dress up in a costume?
No, but there are prizes for the best dressed team and for the best overall costume.  If you’re not a fan of wearing a costume try these alternatives to get into the spirit; get your team to wear a wig (Marilyn Munroe style? Barbie?); make or buy a set of cardboard masks; or wear a style of hat (cowboys?).  Pete’s Emporium is a good place to get ideas from.

What are the prizes?
We are still getting the prize packages together.  Next week more information will go out.  There will be a fantastic prize for the winning team and prizes for costumes and bonus questions too.  

Will there be raffles and auctions?
We have had an amazing response from businesses wanting to donate prizes for the Quiz Night.  We will run both raffles and auctions on the night.  

Why are we doing a Quiz night?
We thought a Quiz night would be a great way to help build the Papakowhai School Community.  Any money that we raise will be used for the establishment of a student garden which will provide many meaningful learning opportunities for our students.