Saturday, 6 July 2013

What is happening to the Disco Money?

The Home and School Committee is currently working with the new Board of Trustees and the Principal to set a plan around what is the best priority for the school in terms of fundraising needs.

Every year  the Home and School Committees functions raise money for the leaver school books, piper and the school magazine. This will still continue but it is looking at other gaps in the school.  For example it has been suggested that the school needs another playground as with around 340 children currently and only two playgrounds overcrowding is a problem. There is currently no money in the School's budget from the Ministry for this.

Whatever the fundraising goal that is decided, the committee will look into ways to fundraise for this as well as applying for grants within the community. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see fundraised for at the school or how you think the home and school committee could fundraise, please email us.

Disco Night

What a great night it turned out to be. We had just over 265 kids attend the two sessions.
Lots of help from the parents, teachers, whanau leaders and committee members, made it all so well organised.  A big thank you to all of you. It was great to see the some of teachers attend and the Principal attend the whole function.
A thank you to Whittakers for their box of chocolate for prizes and Pak n' Save for the $50 voucher for use on purchases for the night.

We raised $1424 for the school. 

Here are just some of the photos....

The opening line for the disco

Inside the disco...

 Dancing Zombie and the backup dancer...